- Issuance of Visas
- Visa Application
- Issuance of New Passports in lieu of passports, which have run out of pages, damaged and/or validity has expired
- Registration of Marriage
- Issuance of New Passports for children
- Endorsements to Passports
- Emergency Travel Document
- Attestation and Authentication of Documents
- Registration of Birth
- Issuance of New Passports in lieu of lost or damaged passports
Passports are issued by the Controller of Immigration and Emigration in Colombo and not by the Sri Lanka High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. Citizens of Sri Lanka with residence in Malaysia can apply for a passport at the High Commission. The application will be forwarded to the Immigration Department in Colombo where a machine-readable passport is issued. After receiving the passport from Colombo, the High Commission will inform the applicant to call over at the High Commission and collect the passport.
A Sri Lankan passport is now issued for a period of ten years. After 10 years Sri Lankans are expected to apply for new passports. New passports can also be obtained when there are no more pages for visa endorsements.
In the case of “L” and “M” series passports, names of children under 16 years of age will be endorsed in either of the parent’s passports. Since the inclusion of children’s photographs in “N” series passports has now been automated, the High Commission is unable to entertain requests for inclusion of child/children’s details into the parent’s passports.
However, the High Commission could issue a Non-Machine Readable Passport or an Emergency Certificate as a separate travel document until such time the Department of Immigration and Emigration in Colombo processes the application for a new “N” series passport.
Issuance of New Passports in lieu of passports, which have run out of pages, damaged and/or validity has expired
Applicants are expected to come to the High Commission personally, together with the following documents. Applications for New Passport Cannot Be Accepted by Mail. Applicants for new Sri Lankan passports are expected to submit their applications to the High Commission in forms listed at A below, together with supporting documents at B.
- Photocopies of the data page and alteration page with original Passport.
- Original Birth Certificates (issued by the Registrar General, District Registrar, Divisional Registrar) and attested from Ministry of Foreign Relations, Sri Lanka with a photocopy
Note: Photocopies certified by third parties and translations will not be accepted by the Department of Immigration and Emigration Sri Lanka. - Original Citizenship Certificates issued by the Citizenship Division of the Department of Immigration & Emigration in Sri Lanka and attested from Ministry of Foreign Relations, Sri Lanka OR a copy of the payment receipt for Citizenship (Sri Lankan Citizenship applied and pending) registration with a photocopy
Note: If an applicant born outside Sri Lanka has reached the age of 21 years, he/she should submit the Citizenship Certificate with the endorsement in the reverse side of the certificate, regarding the applicant’s continuation of Sri Lankan nationality. - Original Marriage certificate ONLY in the case of name change consequent to marriage with a photocopy (applicable to female applicants)
- In case of divorce and if the spouse wishes to continue her married name in the new passport. Original court order with a photocopy
- National Identity Card (NIC) (ONLY for applicants over the age of 16 years) with a photocopy.
Note: If the NIC is not available or lost, a self-explanatory letter is required. - Application should Submit a valid, Permanent Resident Card (Original /Copy) Work Permit or visa as Confirmation of their status in Malaysia
- If the applicant is a Dual Citizen, Original Dual Citizenship Certificate with a photocopy and a copy of the data page of the foreign passport
- If the applicant wishes to include his/her profession in the Passport, Original professional or educational certificates with photocopies
- If the applicant wishes to include his/her Job/Occupation, A recent service letter, signed by an authorized officer or a valid contract document [original]
- If the applicant wishes to include his/her status as a Student, The enrolment letter from the University/Institute/College/School [original]
- If the applicant is a member of the Buddhist clergy, Certificate of Higher ordination (Upasampada Sahathikaya) in addition to the Birth Certificate
- Passport size photograph (4.5 x 3.5cm size three (03) photographs taken during the last three months between the date of submission of application are required. The photographs should be clear with full front face, both ears clearly visible and without spectacles or head dress and must be white background. Photos that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be accepted.
- RM 655/-
Note: Payment method is by cash only. Exact amount should be paid at the counter
Issuance of New Passports in lieu of lost passports
Applicants are expected to come to the High Commission personally, together with the following documents. Applications for New Passport Cannot Be Accepted by Mail.
Applicants for new Sri Lankan passports are expected to submit their applications to the High Commission in forms listed at A below, together with supporting documents at B.
- Photocopies of the data page and alteration page. If the passport is lost, please submit a police report with the application along with Form D which should be annexed to the application.
- Original Birth Certificates (issued by the Registrar General, District Registrar, Divisional Registrar) and attested from Ministry of Foreign Relations, Sri Lanka with a photocopy
Note: Photocopies certified by third parties and translations will not be accepted by the Department of Immigration and Emigration Sri Lanka. - Original Citizenship Certificates issued by the Citizenship Division of the Department of Immigration & Emigration in Sri Lanka and attested from Ministry of Foreign Relations, Sri Lanka OR a copy of the payment receipt for Citizenship (Sri Lankan Citizenship applied and pending) registration with a photocopy
Note: If an applicant born outside Sri Lanka has reached the age of 21 years, he/she should submit the Citizenship Certificate with the endorsement in the reverse side of the certificate, regarding the applicant’s continuation of Sri Lankan nationality. - Original Marriage certificate ONLY in the case of name change consequent to marriage with a photocopy (applicable to female applicants)
- In case of divorce and if the spouse wishes to continue her married name in the new passport. Original court order with a photocopy
- National Identity Card (NIC) (ONLY for applicants over the age of 16 years) with a photocopy.
Note: If the NIC is not available or lost, a self-explanatory letter is required. - Application should Submit a valid, Permanent Resident Card (Original /Copy) Work Permit or visa as Confirmation of their status in Malaysia
- If the applicant is a Dual Citizen, Original Dual Citizenship Certificate with a photocopy and a copy of the data page of the foreign passport
- If the applicant wishes to include his/her profession in the Passport, Original professional or educational certificates with photocopies
- If the applicant wishes to include his/her Job/Occupation, A recent service letter, signed by an authorized officer or a valid contract document [original]
- If the applicant wishes to include his/her status as a Student, The enrolment letter from the University/Institute/College/School [original]
- If the applicant is a member of the Buddhist clergy, Certificate of Higher ordination (Upasampada Sahathikaya) in addition to the Birth Certificate
- Passport size photograph (4.5 x 3.5cm size three (03) photographs taken during the last three months between the date of submission of application are required. The photographs should be clear with full front face, both ears clearly visible and without spectacles or head dress and must be white background. Photos that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be accepted.
- RM 1545/- (for lost Passport with a copy)
- RM 1955/- (for lost & no Passport copy)
Note: Payment method is by cash only. Exact amount should be paid at the counter
Issuance of New Passports for Children under 16 years of age
- Photocopies of the data page and alteration page of parents.
- Original Birth Certificates (issued by the Registrar General, District Registrar, Divisional Registrar) and attested from Ministry of Foreign Relations, Sri Lanka with a photocopy OR Original Consular Birth Certificates issued at Foreign Mission with a copy (for children born outside Sri Lanka).
- Letters of consent from Parents for issuing Passport to children
- If Father or Mother is not among the living, the relevant death certificate should be produced along with a photocopy.
- If parents are divorced, a certified copy of the divorce certificate should be produced along with a photocopy.
- Original Citizenship Certificates issued by the Citizenship Division of the Department of Immigration & Emigration in Sri Lanka and attested from Ministry of Foreign Relations, Sri Lanka OR a copy of the payment receipt for Citizenship (Sri Lankan Citizenship applied and pending) registration with a photocopy
- If the applicant wishes to include his/her status as a Student, The enrolment letter from the University/Institute/College/School [original]
- Passport size photograph (4.5 x 3.5cm size three (03) photographs taken during the last three months between the date of submission of application are required. The photographs should be clear with full front face, both ears clearly visible and without spectacles or head dress and must be white background. Photos that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be accepted.
- Both parents should be present.
- RM 655/-
- RM 535/- (for Minor Passport, which is issued only for 3 years)
Note: Payment method is by cash only. Exact amount should be paid at the counter (to be added)
Non Machine Readable Passport (NMRP’s)
- Photocopies of the data page and alteration page. If the passport is lost, please submit a police report with the application along with Form D which should be annexed to the application.
- Original Birth Certificates (issued by the Registrar General, District Registrar, Divisional Registrar) with a photocopy
- National Identity Card (NIC) (ONLY for applicants over the age of 16 years) with a photocopy.
Note: If the NIC is not available or lost, a self-explanatory letter is required. - Passport size photograph (4.5 x 3.5cm size three (03) photographs taken during the last three months between the date of submission of application are required. The photographs should be clear with full front face, both ears clearly visible and without spectacles or head dress and must be white background. Photos that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be accepted.
- Letter of explanation to High Commissioner written in English/Tamil/Sinhalese
- RM 225/-
Note: Payment method is by cash only. Exact amount should be paid at the counter (to be added)
Attestation and Authentication of Documents
- Attestation of Birth, Marriage & Death – RM100.00
- Caveat order – RM80.00
- Attestation of Document as a Justice of Peace – RM200.00
- Swearing or affirming an Affidavit – RM200.00
- Administering an oath or affirmation – RM200.00
- Attestation of Power of Attorney or Proxy – RM200.00
- Issuance of certified true copy – RM80.00
- Attestation of a set of Free of Sale Documents – RM200.00
- Attestation of Education certificates – RM100.00
Registration of Birth
- Form I: Ceylon Citizenship Act No. 18 of 1948 in duplicate (Please get a photocopy from the original.) Download
- Form II: Declaration of Birth under Section 16 in duplicate. (This form is required when registration is done within 03 months of birth of child.) Download
- Form III: Declaration of Birth under Section 24 in duplicate. (This form is required when registration is done after 03 months of birth of child.) Download
- ‘Declaration of Citizenship’ by father of the child in 04 copies. Download
- Form ‘B’151 – Vital Statistics of Birth. Download
- Particulars for Registration of a Birth Download
- Registration and Issuance of a Birth Certificate – RM100.00
- Issuance of a certified copy of Birth Certificate – RM100.00
Note: Payment method is by cash only. Exact amount should be paid at the counter (to be added)
Registration of Marriage
- At least one of the parties to the marriage should be a citizen of Sri Lanka.
- Both parties should not be within the prohibited age of marriage under Section 15 of the General Marriage Ordinance. Therefore,
- Where a party is below the age of 21, the consent of the father, or in his/her absence the mother or the guardian (in the absence of both parents) is necessary. {Section 22 (i) of the Marriage Ordinance}.
- Either party should not already be married.
Marriages that fall under the prohibited degrees of relationship:
- The parties to the marriage should not fall within the prohibited degrees of relationship as set out in section 16 of the General Marriage Ordinance.
Procedures for Registration under normal notice of Marriage and special license:
- If both parties have resided in the country for more than 10 days (Normal Notice)
- If both parties have resided in the country for more than 4 day (Special License only applicable to Sri Lankan resided in Malaysia)
- Passports of both parties.
- Original Birth Certificates of both parties and same should be authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombo.
- Passports of witnesses.
- Authentic documentary evidence will have to be produced to the High Commission that the parties to a marriage have not contracted a marriage earlier and that they are eligible to get married.
- An affidavit declaring that he/she is not married in Sri Lanka, Malaysia or anywhere else or married and divorced.
- If one party is a resident of Malaysia, a declaration made in the presence of the relevant authority in Malaysia in regard to his /her civil status and the declaration should have the authentication by the Foreign Ministry of Malaysia.
- A certificate from the relevant authority of the country of residence stating that he/she has not entered into matrimony in that country. It is necessary to have the document authenticated by the Foreign Ministry of that country or by that country’s High Commission /Embassy in Malaysia.
- Copies of the relevant pages of the passports of the parties to the marriage to indicate the date of arrival in Malaysia.
- Two witnesses with their proper identification. Note English Translations are required for certificates issued in Bahasa Malaysia.
Once the notice of marriage is accepted, the party can obtain a certificate from the High Commission stating that the notice of Marriage has been handed over to the High Commission and that the official registration will take place after a lapse of 14 clear days from the receipt of the said Notice of Marriage but within 03 months from such date. This certificate is issued without any commitment on the part of the High Commission only for the purpose of going through temple /Church ceremonies. This clause is not applicable when the registration of marriage is done under special license.
The date and time for registration will be notified to the party once the application is processed and accepted by the High Commission.
- Notice of marriage RM80
- Registration of marriage under Normal notice RM80
- Registration of marriage under Special notice RM240
- Swearing an Affidavit RM100
- Certified copy of the marriage certificate RM100
- Caveat RM80
- Notice of Marriage RM80
- Registration and Issuance of a Marriage Certificate RM140
Note: Payment method is by cash only. Exact amount should be paid at the counter (to be added)
Registration of Death
A death can be registered at the High Commission provided the following conditions are satisfied:
- The deceased is a citizen of Sri Lanka, and
- The death had occurred in Malaysia
- Passport of the deceased or if the deceased is a minor the passport of the parent valid at the time of the death is adequate evidence of his citizenship.
- Death certificate of the deceased along with the Police Report and the Post Mortem Report issued by the competent authorities in Malaysia
- The duly filled application form (Available at the High Commission).
- English Translations are required for certificates issued in Bahasa Malaysia.
- The application for registration of death should be made to the High Commission within three months of the death.
- When an application is made after 03 months and within one year, an explanation should be made explaining the delay to the High Commission.
- When an application is made after one year, an explanation addressed to the registrar general should be forwarded, before such a death is registered at the High Commission.
An applicant should be the nearest relative of the deceased or a relative of the deceased who resides in the country where the death has occurred or the main occupant of the house where the death has occurred or the doctor in charge of the hospital/public institution where the death has occurred. If there are no such persons necessary action may be taken to dispose of the deceased by burial, cremation or other means.
- For registration of death RM80
- For issuance of an additional copy of death certificate RM160
Note: Payment method is by cash only. Exact amount should be paid at the counter (to be added)
Endorsement of a Change of Name after Marriage/Alteration to Name/s/ Change of Profession/ Change of Photograph
- Attach “O” Form, duly completed and signed and forward together with your passport.
- Attach all documentary evidence causing the change of name, i.e. marriage certificate, passport of husband (original and photocopy), documentary evidence for change of profession etc.
- FEE: RM 35.
Please note that any endorsements to ‘N’ Series Passports cannot be done by this Mission. Such cases to be referred to the Immigration Department in Sri Lanka
- Attach “O” Form, duly completed and signed and forward together with your passport.
- FEE: RM175
- www.immigration.gov.lk
- Residential Guest Scheme – http://www.immigration.gov.lk
- My Dream Home – http://www.immigration.gov.lk
- Police Clearance – http://www.police.lk
- Registrar General, Sri Lanka
General Counsular Hours
9.00am – 2.00pm
Submission of Documents
9.00am – 1.00pm
Issuance / Collection of
Documents 1.00pm – 2.00pm
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays declared by the High Commission are not working days. Birth, Marriage, Death registrations should require a prior appointment with the High Commission.
Click here to view the holiday calendar of 2020.
Further information can be obtained from:
- Sri Lanka High Commission
Level 17, Faber Imperial Court
Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250
Kuala Lumpur